Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
Mass times & Morning Prayer & Adoration/Benediction:
Mass: Sunday - vigil Mass 6pm Saturday; 9am & 11am Sunday. Weekdays: 10am Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer at 9.40am) every day except Thursday. No Mass Thursday.
Saturday: 10.30am (preceded by devotions to Our Lady at 10am). Adoration/Benediction: every Tuesday after 10am Mass (finishes by 11am).
Confessions & Anointing/Sacrament of the Sick:
Confessions: Saturday after 10.30am Mass and from 5.15-5.45pm. Also on demand: contact Fr Julian.
Anointing/Sacrament of the Sick: on demand - contact Fr Julian.
Our four Parish Safeguarding Reps are: Gill Tomei email Richard Mills E: Clare Morgado E: and Patsy McFarlane E: You can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator on 020 7261 1606. If you need help, information or advice concerning possible safeguarding issues involving children or vulnerable adults, contact any of the above. Your concerns will be dealt with discreetly and efficiently.